In the Files section of the patient chart in SigmaMD, you can upload a variety of file types to keep comprehensive records and support different clinical needs. Here's a list of the allowed file formats:
- .pdf: PDF files for reports, referrals, and other documents.
- .hl7: HL7 files for healthcare data exchange.
- .xml: XML files for structured data.
- .csv: CSV files for spreadsheets and data sets.
- .jpg, .jpeg: Common image formats.
- .png: Portable Network Graphics for images.
- .tif, .tiff: High-quality image files often used in medical imaging.
- .avi, .mp4, .mov: Common video formats for ultrasound, endoscopy, and other visual data.
- .mp3, .wav: Audio files for recordings, such as dictations or patient recordings.
Medical Imaging:
- .dcm: DICOM files for medical imaging.
- .nii: NIfTI files, often used in neuroimaging.
Specialized Medical Files:
- .ecg: Electrocardiogram files.
- .mfer: Medical waveform encoding rules, often used for ECG and other biosignal recordings.
Compressed files:
- .zip: ZIP files for bundles.
These formats are chosen to ensure that all necessary medical data and records can be uploaded and accessed seamlessly within the system, supporting a wide range of clinical workflows. If you have files in other formats, consider converting them to one of the supported types before uploading or don't hesitate to reach out to us.
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